Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Why Blog?

I have been thinking about why like blogs so much because of a few conversations I've had. And THAT is reason #1 why I like to blog: I am a VERY slow thinker. I think about conversations for hours and days after they happen. I always think of exactly what I wish I would have said. I confirm the things I actually said or clarify them in my head. My blog allows me to say the things I wish I would have said or resay them in a better way.
#2 I can take breaks while formulating my sentences and edit AS I "say" them with my blog. You can't do that in real conversations because people won't want to talk to you.
#3 I can create a conversation topic (for myself) that I might not bring up with people I only casually know.
#4 I don't have to worry about what you think. (I worry a lot about this.) I just recently added comments to my blog because I have only just recently begun to read the comments posted on other people's blogs. They are interesting. Sometimes you can see the flip side of an issue or read an argument you wouldn't have thought of yourself etc. While it does briefly freak me out when I find out that someone is actually reading my blog, I like to know what the people that I love think about McDonald's Coke. Even if you comment I can respond slowly (see #1).
#5 A friend of mine recently said that blogs where you don't mention names and stuff tend to be more deep and honest than "Just the Facts Please" type reports. As I've thought about that for a bout a month, I realized that it is so true. I try not to mention names and talk more generally because I want to be honest in stating my opinion.
#6 You can learn a lot about people by reading their diaries, which is what a blog is- sorry boys. I know things that people were thinking about while they were at my house or lived in the house with me that I never would have known. Some thoughts you don't share out loud. Blogs can give you a voice for those thoughts.
#7 Strangers. As a general rule I don't talk to strangers AT ALL. I barely talk to the people I know. I have found several new friends by reading blogs. I check in with these people often. Let me introduce Liz Creech, Alan Creech, Laura Ogle, and Beth Keck.
#8 The last reason I like blogs is that they are something I can accomplish while nursing Jack. I check blogs at least once a day because I nurse about five times a day while I'm awake (multitasking) and I have just typed most of this post one handed ( and had 2 phone conversations).

So, there you have it (I erased a person's name from this spot-see #5- I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings) the best reasons I can give for why people who went through the trouble of creating a blog, should actually post in them.

Sunday, June 27, 2004


A telegram for you. June 27th entry.

I am NOT a pet person. I can barely take care of my three children. I don't need another living creature that needs to be fed, bathed and picked up after. Despite my efforts to convince Emma that we don't need a pet (because three cats live with us and I don't have to take care of them at all- my kind of pets) she wants one. She begs.
Today we are making our own pets. Pet Rocks (also my kind of pets). Emma is designing her own cat and making a home for it in a box. So far she is enjoying the process and we spent some time talking about creation. We decided that God must have had fun creating all the different animals and us as well.
If I have to start cleaning up after these pet rocks they will become outside pets.

Saturday, June 26, 2004


Three Interesting Tidbits About McDonalds
1) Why do they ask you if the Happy Meal is for a boy or a girl? Emma freaked out because Doug got the girls the Tony Hawk skateboard toy that actually does something instead of the stationary "My Scene" girls that don't even change clothes. Emma angrily said, "Great! We got Boy Toys!" Doug tried to explain to her that she likes to ride skateboards and she is a girl. What the employees of McDonalds should say is, "Would your child like a skateboarding figure with a ramp that does tricks or a stand still female action figure that does no action?" Instead, they are just Sexist Pigs creating stereotypes for my girls to conform to or mentally fight against.

2) Why hasn't some environmentalist (Kenny) fought for super-size ketchup packets yet? There is very little ketchup in the current packets. Therefore, people use more packets and throw more plastic packets away. It doesn't seem very environmentally friendly to me.

3) Why does McDonalds Coke taste different-BETTER- than regular Coke from anywhere else? I'm not sure why, but it is noticeably (is that a word? did I spell it right? it looks funky.)yummier from the McDonalds fountain.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Misc..... Without Any Quotes

Okay, I'm honestly OFF the quotes. Doug told me he was all confused by my blog because he didn't know when I was the one talking and when something was a quote. The specific blog he was talking about, ironically, didn't have any quotes in it at all. It was ALL ME, baby. Anyway, I am taking a break from quoting people. I do, however, think this is a good sight to visit and read for fun. (Make sure you read the journals, they have interesting comments about our wonderful state.)

Yesterday I was at In-n-Out Burger and just realized that all the strangers around me have lives-unless I'm in the movie Truman Show and I'm the star, which isn't likely because my life is fairly uneventful and boring-they have people they love, jobs, hobbies, friends- A LIFE that does not involve me. I don't know these people. They don't know me. Then I was struck by the fact that Apex is small and it is difficult to love the people involved enough. Ramon's family hurts. Sherry, Suzie, and Kellinee are trying to take girls to India. Rex is a mess. Andy's trying to sell his store and start a new business to support his family. I haven't talked with Lori in a while. Why aren't Jim and Nicole blogging? Luc is home and Greg is in Law School. Sia and Meghann are both in summer school with hard classes. How can we help? What is the best way to love these people and all the other people with struggles I didn't even mention???? On top of that, there is a WORLD that we are supposed to invite into our family and love. There are strangers I have come in contact with- Marie, whose 13 year old son ran away yesterday, again; Judy, whose husband is working as much as she is and they need more time together with their kids; Michelle, who is having some strange medical problems and is trying to get tests done while juggling her kids' schedules and husband's job schedule. Pray for these people with me, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now because I haven't been able to put much action behind my words of concern.

Tangent-Stray Thought

After In-n-Out we went to a video game store by Wal*Mart on Rainbow (because I needed to pick something up, yeah right) and while I was waiting in the car with the kids I realized that EVERY shopping center has EXACTLY the same crap in it. It actually amazed and stunned me. How many insurance offices do we need in one town? How many Radio Shacks? How many Tanning Salons and Nail, Pedicure places? How many discount Hair Salons? Port Of Subs? McDonald's? Cingular Stores? It's kind of baffling how these places are all able to stay open. However, we DO need another In-n-Out on this side of town because Lake Mead and Rock Springs NEVER has enough seating and the drive thru causes traffic problems on Rock Springs.

Tommy and Meghann

I am sor/glad (sorry and glad) about Rex. Both your blogs brought joy and happiness to my spirit. I'm glad my family includes you guys, and Avery too.

Monday, June 21, 2004

After I Tooted My Own Horn...

about putting links on my blog, the first one I did, didn't work. (Typical computer usage by Cheryl) I believe it is fixed now if you want to try it out, here it is again


Sunday, June 20, 2004

Check Me Out...

Doug told me how to link my readers to other people's blogs. I know, most people have been doing that for a while, but some of us don't know much about computers.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

Just Letting Others Speak For Me Again...

I have had more than a few discussions with people about Apex lately and read what people have said through blogs. As is my new custom, I have an article that I found on a stranger's blog and an interesting comment from that blog to share. Process and enjoy.

The Article:


A comment: (Cheryl added the BOLD font, but the words are Lloyd's- maybe we should invite him to Apex)

Wouldn't it be a perfect compromise to have a network of house churches that meet together once a month for a large worship gathering?

I like the concept in Dan Kimball's book "Emerging Worship" where he states that relationships should be the foudation of the church and not the two hour meeting on sunday (I go to an episcopal church with long sermons!)

If that is the case then ideally small churches should be preferred. However, can we say that people are spritually inferior if they truly worship God at a large church? No. God is bigger than our systems.
Lloyd Nichols | Email | Homepage | 06.07.04 - 2:37 am | #


yes, Lloyd, thankfully he is (bigger than our systems)!
Aaron | Email | Homepage

Cheryl's Back:
Other comments can be read at:
from June 4, 2004.
I'm not sure I agree 100% with anything I've cut and pasted here or read in the comments, but there are a lot of good things to think about.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

We Suck...

Sherry, thank you for your post. I didn't ask for help, did I? I'm afraid that spiritual warfare is at work in those situations. I know EXACTLY how you feel. You think of doing something, but instead of acting you think some more-doubt creeps in and talks you out of acting. Is it innocent, simple doubt? Maybe, maybe not. (Doomsday, I know.)

Fairly recently I went to someone's house on a whim to help them through a tough time- simply cry with them was my plan. When I got there, they were out shopping- obviously not as in need of my sympathy as I thought. I think of that story and how I felt foolish. Should I have not gone? I don't know the answer. Maybe that's what Greg was talking about-we have not been taught how to love and serve. How will we learn? Maybe we have to make fools out of ourselves and feel stupid.

Now I'm doubting if I should even publish this post. Am I going to wish I hadn't written it? Probably. Will people think I'm foolish and stupid? Probably. Do I know what I'm talking about? No. I suck. Yes.

For more on my previous post (that made sense because it was a quote of some one else)go to Beth Keck's blog (www.BethKeck.com)-I think- Good comments were made on the post that I quoted.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

3 Cuss Words in 1 Sentence....

I read this Beth Keck quote earlier today. I thought about quoting it in my blog, but I've decided that I am kind of lame for always stealing other people's quotes, especially when anybody could link to Joe Boyd, link to Kevin Rains, link to anybody that I usually quote.............BUT then, I read Doug's blog with all the "bad words" and it reminded me of this blog. (It is a long story- sorry- and I only made a brief comment at the end. Read. Relate. Ponder. Respond.)

While Eric was away ....

Todd came and picked Eric up at 5:30 Tuesday morning to leave for Oregon... I went back to bed with my 3 year old who seemed to have a cold starting ... and was saying she needed cuddles ...Yes - the fever had started ...

At 6:50 I woke up to screaming from the kitchen .."FIRE - Get Mom " I raced outta bed to find a "teachable moment" raging on my stove ...Breakfast in Bed had begun ...

After I showed my oldest how to extinguish a stove fire, and made sure everyone's nerves were calmed and checked for damage, they sent me back to bed so I could collect on the breakfast part , sans the omlette...

I "woke" 20 minutes later to My 11 year old's famous Hot Belgian Waffles with fresh fruit and homemade whipped cream (made by my six year old - his specialty) , and espresso ....I am a fortunate woman ...

I am a fortunate woman ...But it took a week like this past one to drill a point home - loud and clear ... I am still hungry for something I deeply need...

Now that Eric is back - and the kids are on the upswing, I have had time to re-evaluate it ...

My kids got sick - really sick - stay up most of the night sick - and it dawned on me - there was no one I really felt I could call to help ... Now something is wrong here. And I know that is a two way street ... so it is doubly troubling...

Now, granted - A couple people we gather with were out of town , and some are VERY busy- So - when your kids are sick and you are exausted, it limits who can help, as well...You could make someone else sick - biggest problem - (so a sitter is out of the question, really, too)- so that makes you crave family - or those relationships that are 'like family'...Close enough that "we are all ok with risking getting each other sick so we can all get better" kind of relationships ...

So after the kids have been sleepless for a few nights, and I needed to tear my hair out - it made me think...Who am I in deep relationship with like that? Are our local connections two way with people - or not?

I have recognized the truth - again (and that is a two way truth - so I confess it too) - that they are mostly not ...and that is a profound problem...

I think many people who do and most (or all) the people that DID, attend Apex feel this way too. It IS a profound problem.

Maybe we should
1) Ask for help when we need it- this is an especially hard one for people like me.
2) Actually step up and help people when they muster the courage to ask.
3) Act on hunches and offer to help people when they act like they need it but don't ask. Even if they refuse, there is probably still something we can do.

This was long, and I'm sorry, but I know that I've felt like Beth before (as recent as Sunday night- if you were there and saw me, you know what I'm talking about) and I am sure that other people have felt it too.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Stealing Those Alan Creech Quotes Again

Also, there is the matter of poor spiritual direction - crippled leadership. We have had so long a period of those "over" us living our spiritual lives for us, controlling us and having no real relationships with us that our proper development as persons in Christ has been unfathomabley stunted - perhaps beyond our ability to perceive. We have been so stuck in this way of being the Body that no matter whether you are the teacher or the learner, you are equally stunted and blind. But Jesus came to give sight to the blind. He came to make the lame walk again. I think He's doing that, and will continue to do so if we let Him. It may take major spiritual surgery, but I believe it can be done


Yesterday he had rice cereal for the first time and rolled from his tummy to his back. How do you stop your kids from growing so fast?


I made a deal with Emma that if she broke a habit I don't like, I would give her five dollars a week, but every time I catch her doing it I will take a dollar back. The first time I caught her I said, "Emma, now it's four dollars." She said, "How 'bout you start with ten?"


Middle Children-Life is SO unfair for them. She is sad that preschool is over for the summer, so I want to sign her up for a Mommy and Me gymnastics class- th first class is on the exact day and time as Emma's birthday party.
She loves the huge spider in REturn of the King-I should not let her watch such things, but she liked it after Doug had a Daddy/Daughter movie night. She is also interested in anything resembling a monster or being scary- right down to The Spooky Old Tree. "I yike it", she says.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Oh, Those Su-ummer Ni-ights

Last night I went to the store at 10:30 pm. It was fabulous out. 70's at night, what could be better? (answer 70's during the day)

I did enjoy that 10 minute car ride and was glad at that time that it is summer.

Today, I burned my legs on the car seat when I got in. Emma has been talking about what she wants to be for Halloween and today we made handprint turkeys. I don't know where she gets it from!!!!

Only 4 more months. One hundred twenty something days, but who's counting?