Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

"Pink is my Signature Color"- Steel Magnolias

Now, how do you like my new blog? I have a few more people to add to my new links section, which my husband graciously added for me after reading my complaining.
Something else is new about my blog. Now if you want to comment you have to type a word verification to avoid the ridiculous Spam I received on my last post-except for Andy. I always like to know EVERYTHING about my friends, so thank you Andy for keeping it real.

Things are going well. It's the first week of school and we're off to a great start. Made some decisions that were relatively easy and I'm adjusting to all the changes. Thanks to some honest conversations this week and finding out great things about Emma's teacher from an unexpected source.

Now I'm just waiting for it to be pumpkin picking in 75 degree temperatures with potato cheese soup for dinner. I have some new fall wreathes I made. I was going to put them up on Thursday-September 1 but I decided to leave my "patriotic" ones up through Labor Day. So, Tuesday the Fall wreathes are going up. Maybe that will encourage the temperatures to drop below 90-Here's hoping!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Where Am I?

I'm still waiting for my blog to be restored to its former green state. Not much is going on and at the same time a lot is going on. We are in the process of making decisions based entirely on money-no decision should EVER have to be made that way.
I started my new job at my new school. I think it will be very cool. I'm only there on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I am trying to get my week organized so I don't have to go the store everyday and I can feel like I am home more-we'll see how that goes.
Doug will be home in the evenings more. That should be a good thing.
Anyway, not a lot to say. We are in the midst of a lot of change. If you know me, I HATE any change, so I'm a little off and trying to keep myself calm and organized.
Change and money-necessary evils.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Do you like my blog page?

I hate it. I haven't blogged because I can't imagine anyone actually trying to read anything on this page. I asked Doug to change my template so I could put links on it. I read many different blogs and I have to click from many places. In trying to find a template with links he found this which I thought was cute at first, but now it hurts my eyes AND it won't allow comments. I need him to change it, but I am currently bugging him about several other projects, so this is taking a back seat. Sorry, put on your sunglasses.

The Mt. Charleston trip was awesome! I had a great time hanging out with people. I went on a hike with the girls. Emma had a walking stick, but Loredana was just holding my hand. As we hiked down a steep hill Emma said," It's good to have a walking stick." Loredana said, "It's good to have a Mommy." I should take my kids hiking more often!