Dear Anonymous Commenter,
Thank you for being selfish; for thinking you are much more clever than you actually are; for hurting my friends-you obviously don't know them; and for putting a damper on my blog reading experience.
I am sorry that you have so much free time; that you have no back bone to just accept responsibility for your opinion- we have often disagreed as a blog community, but honest, open discussion is USUALLY encouraged with love and respect for the people with different viewpoints.
Please accept my apology for publically reprimanding you, but you have purposely remained anonymous and left me no other choice. I will speak for all my friends who have removed a comment option from their blogs because of your callous comments- please come get to know us. Read to your heart's content. We invite you to find us in person as well. We will do our best to be your friend.
To my friends who have removed comments- I am sad. I understand why you did it, but I often enjoy making a trivial comment about the genius, heartfelt writing you do. Just so you know..... I still think as I read, but my comments will remain to myself. I tried the email thing, but I didn't know the email address for the person I was trying to email.
This has been bugging me for a while. I was one of the few who actually read the stupid comments left on Joe's blog which caused him to decide to remove comments. I just think it is sad.
Thank you for being selfish; for thinking you are much more clever than you actually are; for hurting my friends-you obviously don't know them; and for putting a damper on my blog reading experience.
I am sorry that you have so much free time; that you have no back bone to just accept responsibility for your opinion- we have often disagreed as a blog community, but honest, open discussion is USUALLY encouraged with love and respect for the people with different viewpoints.
Please accept my apology for publically reprimanding you, but you have purposely remained anonymous and left me no other choice. I will speak for all my friends who have removed a comment option from their blogs because of your callous comments- please come get to know us. Read to your heart's content. We invite you to find us in person as well. We will do our best to be your friend.
To my friends who have removed comments- I am sad. I understand why you did it, but I often enjoy making a trivial comment about the genius, heartfelt writing you do. Just so you know..... I still think as I read, but my comments will remain to myself. I tried the email thing, but I didn't know the email address for the person I was trying to email.
This has been bugging me for a while. I was one of the few who actually read the stupid comments left on Joe's blog which caused him to decide to remove comments. I just think it is sad.