Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

All Aboard the Polar Express

Last night the kids were watching the movie _The Polar Express_. Right after the scene where the kid has to decide if he will ride the train or not Emma said, "I wouldn't go, if it was real." I thought that was funny because she wouldn't go. She is not a risk taker. She's a thinker and a ponderer. She wants to carefully consider all decision to be sure and make the right one-I wonder where she gets that from?

Loredana said, "I would go. It would be fun!" I also thought that was funny because Loredana IS a risk taker. She wouldn't really think twice about jumping on a fun train headed for who knows where. She's always ready for an adventure- I wonder where SHE gets that from??

Not to leave Jack out of the "cute things my kids said" blog he told me this morning at Wal mart that he had money in his pocket so he could buy something. Not only didn't he have money, he didn't have pockets. When we got home we were working on some Christmas projects. After about 15 minutes Jack said, "I'm sick. I need a break."

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Thanksgiving is honestly one of my favorite holidays. It always gets pushed aside by Christmas, but I am not writing THAT blog THIS year (see previous years if it's become a tradition for you-HA!). But everything about Thanksgiving is GREAT: family, friends, football, parades, food, puzzles, relaxing-OH the relaxing will be very nice!

There are three Thanksgiving movies that I enjoy. 1) Charlie Brown Thanksgiving 2) Pieces of April with Katie Holmes 3) Home for the Holidays with Holly Hunter. I also recommend the Marth Stewart Thanksgiving DVD if you like to watch people cook-which I do.

Last year we gave Thank you gifts to the kids' teachers, which I plan to do again. People don't expect gifts at Thanksgiving. I think I might try to make a tradition out of giving Thank you gifts at Thanksgiving-to all different people. I think I'll have to start that next year.......

This year I am planning to create a scrapbook page about Thanksgiving. I plan to cut out shapes and have people at our dinner write on them-then scrapbook it all with pictures. If I can manage to do that each year it will be fun to see how our Thankfulness changes-especially the kids.

Happy One Week Until Thanksgiving Day Day!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Chicken Soup for the Soul

Last Wednesday Loredana had surgery for her kidney reflux condition. Everything went well and has returned to her normal life, except she is not supposed to run around for a while, which is torture for her.
Last Wednesday night she was quiet and discouraged. You could just tell that she didn't feel like herself. That carried over to Thursday morning. The nurses and doctor wanted her moving around, walking to keep her lungs healthy, and sitting in a chair. We finally got her to sit in a chair around 12:30 but she still refused to go for a walk. Shortly after she starting sitting in the chair her friend Gabriel came for a visit. He brought markers, papers, stickers and envelopes for her. Gabriel was interested in how the hospital bed worked and Loredana's "owwies". He flipped her personality switch. She became animated and talkative. She even wanted to show him the playroom (which she had only heard of). They walked to the playroom hand in hand and played _Candyland_ twice. It was absolutely amazing how his little visit made such a HUGE difference. Time seems to be the best gift you can give.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Mrs. Ted Haggart

It is sad that Ted Haggart, a minister, has been living a lie. I personally am not as appalled by what he did as I am in the way responded when he was originally accused. I watched a video interview of him being interviewed by the local news. He stood there on camera and claimed he had never been in a gay relation. He stood there an claimed he had never taken drugs, "not even in high school"(direct quote)with a smile that bothered me. He went on to say that he and his wife don't drink, not even social drink. "We just don't do that sort of thing."(direct quote) Because, of course, "good christians" (my quotation marks) would never drink alcohol.

That was several days before he admitted to paying a male prostitute for drugs and sex-after he said he bought drugs but didn't take them and got a massage. I understand WHY he hid the truth in the first place when nobody knew. I don't understand why he went on camera claiming his innocence when the prostitute said he had voicemail messages that Haggart KNEW he left. In the interview he also said he had been faithful to his wife.

His poor wife. I wonder when he told her the truth. I wonder how old his five kids are. I wonder if gays should be accepted by churches so their leaders don't have to be the biggest hypocrites on earth. His wife would probably be better off. HER pastor had gay sex and lied about it. HER children's father had gay sex and lied about it. HER husband, of however many years, cheated on her, paid for sex outside of her marriage and lied about it. I can't imagine how she's dealing with it all. She could probably use some prayer about now.