Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004



Monday, November 22, 2004

Thanksgiving: The Middle Child
Last year I posted a blog about Thanksgiving and how it is a forgotten holiday. This year I have been reaffirmed. There are no Thanksgiving paper towels, dish towels, wrapped candy with turkeys on them. We go straight from Halloween to getting ready for Christmas. Thanksgiving is just a day for football, naps, overeating, and making your kids eat things they don’t appreciate- sounds like everyday America, not a holiday. It’s time for Thanksgiving to have a good old fashioned teenage rebellion- get everybody’s attention!!
Step 1: Get a good mascot/legend. People associate history with BORING. I know you aren’t really boring, but the general population and don’t forget about the kids. Turkeys are also boring. Horses, kangaroos, dolphins=interesting.
Step 2: Figure out a way to give candy or gifts or anything that people can get greedy about. I’m sure we could figure something out with a cornucopia.
Step 3: Rename the cornucopia- weird word, doesn’t mean anything.
Step 4: Kid friendly food. Native Americans ate popcorn- go with that. Caramel, cheese, popcorn balls- there’s a lot we could do with that.
Step 5: Advertise. Get some TV specials- We’ve all seen Snoopy, can’t someone else come up with something? Cute shirts, buttons, hats- not Pilgrim, remember? BORING.




Take some time out of your year. Take a day, spend it with your family. Talk. Play games. Pray. GIVE to other. THANK God for your blessings. Share your blessings. STOP thinking about Christmas for ONE DAY. BE THANKFUL. It’s only one day. The other 364 we can all be Rich Americans who take things for granted.
Okay, I got a little preachy. Sorry about that. I do think it is sad and ridiculous that we ignore the middle holiday. Maybe it does need a rebellion. Maybe you should start it, I’ve got to go wrap the Christmas presents I bought today.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

I've Become a Lazy Blogger

I haven't blogged lately. Nobody else really has either, but I used to bag on people for not blogging at least once a week. Now.....here I am. My name is Cheryl, It's been two weeks since my last blog.
In my defense, I 've been busy. I went back to work. I went out of town. I voted. I threw my sister a baby shower (maybe that was 3 weeks ago). Doug and I painted my mom's living room. I'm still nursing like 23 and 1/2 hours a day (not really, but it feels like it sometimes). I've been spending an average of half an hour a day emailing a new friend. I've been trying to get Christmas underway so I am not finishing at 3am on Christmas Eve. I'm busy and my kids don't play sports or anything. I'm afraid that someday I'm going to look back at this time and wonder why I thought I was so busy. We are busy, but I feel like we don't really have anything to "show" for it. I don't know what I'm trying to say. But we live with our friends and often feel like we don't have time to hang out. If we lived alone, I guess we would be total islands.

On a different note: I'm loving the weather. Lots of good rain and nice and cold. There's already snow on Mount Charleston and it's shaping up to be a good winter for weather-in my opinion.

What's with bumper stickers ?