Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Mark the Calendar

Today..... I blogged. AND We went to the movie theater as a family and nobody left the theater before the movie was over. Nobody tried to eat popcorn off the floor or run through the theater. Everyone sat for the ENTIRE movie. Jack is two years and three weeks old. We almost feel normal today-how nice.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Long Time No Blog-blog Nazi

Last night the girls spent the night with some friends and Doug was working. It was just me and Jack. It was great to just focus on him for the evening. He had a long leisurely bath where he chatted away to me and moved around the bathtub like it was a swimming pool. He had free reign over all the toys. It was a peaceful bathtub which is not the norm. Then he had FIVE bed time stories instead of his usual 3 which are interrupted by me commanding the girls to get their teeth brushed etc.. This morning we hung out. He played while I put laundry away. It is easy to forget how incredibly easy having one child is.

Monday, February 06, 2006

A Little Quiz I copied from someone else...


Four jobs I've had
Daycare Worker
Elementary School Teacher
Substitute Teacher
Stuffing Envelopes for Mortgage Broker

Four movies I can watch over and over
Frankie and Johnny
You've Got Mail
Mona Lisa Smile
A Few Good Men

Four places I've lived
Caribou, Maine
Kalkar Germany
Phoenix, Arizona
Las Vegas, NV

Four TV shows I love
American Idol

Four places I've vacationed
Mexico-ON A CRUISE- it's my favorite, the cruise not Mexico
San Diego
Maine-New England Road Trip
Road trip to the Pacific Northwest with my family

Four of my favorite dishes (I think liking soup makes you OLD)
Potato Cheese Soup
Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Tortellini Soup
Chicken and Dumplings

Four sites I visit daily
All blogs listed on my site PLUS others that I click from various other blogs
Carmax right now-we really need a new car
icruise.com (not quite daily, but OFTEN)
my email, does that count?