A Little Quiz I copied from someone else...
Four jobs I've had
Daycare Worker
Elementary School Teacher
Substitute Teacher
Stuffing Envelopes for Mortgage Broker
Four movies I can watch over and over
Frankie and Johnny
You've Got Mail
Mona Lisa Smile
A Few Good Men
Four places I've lived
Caribou, Maine
Kalkar Germany
Phoenix, Arizona
Las Vegas, NV
Four TV shows I love
American Idol
Four places I've vacationed
Mexico-ON A CRUISE- it's my favorite, the cruise not Mexico
San Diego
Maine-New England Road Trip
Road trip to the Pacific Northwest with my family
Four of my favorite dishes (I think liking soup makes you OLD)
Potato Cheese Soup
Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Tortellini Soup
Chicken and Dumplings
Four sites I visit daily
All blogs listed on my site PLUS others that I click from various other blogs
Carmax right now-we really need a new car
icruise.com (not quite daily, but OFTEN)
my email, does that count?
Four jobs I've had
Daycare Worker
Elementary School Teacher
Substitute Teacher
Stuffing Envelopes for Mortgage Broker
Four movies I can watch over and over
Frankie and Johnny
You've Got Mail
Mona Lisa Smile
A Few Good Men
Four places I've lived
Caribou, Maine
Kalkar Germany
Phoenix, Arizona
Las Vegas, NV
Four TV shows I love
American Idol
Four places I've vacationed
Mexico-ON A CRUISE- it's my favorite, the cruise not Mexico
San Diego
Maine-New England Road Trip
Road trip to the Pacific Northwest with my family
Four of my favorite dishes (I think liking soup makes you OLD)
Potato Cheese Soup
Chicken Enchilada Casserole
Tortellini Soup
Chicken and Dumplings
Four sites I visit daily
All blogs listed on my site PLUS others that I click from various other blogs
Carmax right now-we really need a new car
icruise.com (not quite daily, but OFTEN)
my email, does that count?
At 3:07 PM,
Sara said…
I love those little quises. You just get to know little things about others that you ordernary wouldnt know!!!
Like you suffing envelopes for a Mortgage broker.
I really enjoed reading your little stories about your children.
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