Jack is ALL boy-except that he likes to play dress up and wear high heel shoes......... But he's aggressive even dressed as a diva. He likes balls almost as much food, almost. Jack will tackle anything, runs almost everywhere, and screams LOUDLY as he plays. He's also quite strong and heavy. Tommy described him as a bag of cement-that's pretty accurate. He's my only boy and I enjoy his boyness.
Now, he's two. Well, technically he wont' be two for two more weeks, but if you ask his attitude problem how old he is, you would get a BIG FAT TWO! He has just discovered that if you say, "no" you can also NOT do what's being asked of you. This is a fairly new discovery for him. He used to say no and then do it anyway. That was when he was one. Now he's two. Now, he tells you no, runs away screeching from the anticipation that you might be chasing him and then throws himself onto something (usually a love sac). When you pick him up he uses all his strength and weight to throw himself around and make it difficult for you to carry him. The time of day that he most often expresses his newfound power is during diaper changes. If you can actually hold onto him long enough to lay him down, he will do the typical baby wrestling moves to clutch your arm with his legs as he rolls from side to side. Then he starts with the kicking. Most of the time though, he simply says, "no" to diaper changes and runs for his life.
Well, 54 weeks until his third birthday. But who's counting?
Jack is ALL boy-except that he likes to play dress up and wear high heel shoes......... But he's aggressive even dressed as a diva. He likes balls almost as much food, almost. Jack will tackle anything, runs almost everywhere, and screams LOUDLY as he plays. He's also quite strong and heavy. Tommy described him as a bag of cement-that's pretty accurate. He's my only boy and I enjoy his boyness.
Now, he's two. Well, technically he wont' be two for two more weeks, but if you ask his attitude problem how old he is, you would get a BIG FAT TWO! He has just discovered that if you say, "no" you can also NOT do what's being asked of you. This is a fairly new discovery for him. He used to say no and then do it anyway. That was when he was one. Now he's two. Now, he tells you no, runs away screeching from the anticipation that you might be chasing him and then throws himself onto something (usually a love sac). When you pick him up he uses all his strength and weight to throw himself around and make it difficult for you to carry him. The time of day that he most often expresses his newfound power is during diaper changes. If you can actually hold onto him long enough to lay him down, he will do the typical baby wrestling moves to clutch your arm with his legs as he rolls from side to side. Then he starts with the kicking. Most of the time though, he simply says, "no" to diaper changes and runs for his life.
Well, 54 weeks until his third birthday. But who's counting?
At 5:05 PM,
The Hubbard Family said…
I would have sworn you were describing Lucas, except for the bag of cement part (Lucas is too short to weigh much yet). I think having a girl (or girls) first really makes the boy-ness of the boys seem . . . extremely boyish. Here's to Jack & Lucas.
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