Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Monday, December 05, 2005

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

The weather is right, it's missing the snow but that's come in the weeks after Christmas for the last two years. It is mighty cold and I LOVE that! I actually turned the heat on the other day-the first time this season and the last area of the house to use fossil fuel for my comfort. I DO love the smell of burning dust on the heater coils-call me crazy, I love it!

Loredana came out of the TV room today and said, "Can you get me 'make a purse, make a scarf, make anything you can imagine' for Christmas?" I could hardly contain my laughter.

We have advent calendars galore around here. It is almost a full time job getting them all opened before the next day.

We're reading Christmas stories at bedtime-fun!

SO, I have a few more "must do's" on my Christmas season list.

1. make and send Christmas cards-we have NO printer, some kind of computer problem that I know nothing about-we can't print. Doug worked hard on a drawing to put in it. A different computer just lost it-probably 24 hours or so of work disappeared. We might be sending Valentine's this year instead.
2. Watch Christmas movies. I really want to watch _Better Off Dead_ with John Cusack this year, which isn't actually a Christmas movie, but some of it happens around Christmas and there is some funny stuff if I remember correctly. $2.00!
3. Make Gifts and other projects. It seems like I don't have any which is scaring me. I'm sure I'll remember what they are on the 23rd, at midnight.

Time for me to go to bed-visions of sugarplums dance in my head!


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