Belief and Cost
The other night Doug said to me, "You know what a fundatmental flaw to modern Christianity is?" (Doug tries to avoid these type of conversations, so I was interested.) "We are told that we choose to believe in Jesus Christ." He went on to say that you can't CHOOSE what you believe. Through various experiences, conversations, and soul searching you realize that you already or have come to believe this or that. You can profess to believe whatever you want, but whether or not you actually believe it is something else altogether.
I thought about this for the next day or so. I began to wonder how do you know what you actually believe? Like I said, you can profess anything-that is EASY. I started to realize that beliefs have costs (usually NOT monetary). Some costs are small and some a large. How much you actually believe something can dictate how much you are willing to pay for it. For instance, I believe that our country should not be so reliant on foreign oil. I DO believe that, but I drive a car everyday. Our kids go to a preschool that is 30 miles away and Doug works downtown. The cost of taking the bus, taking my kids out of a great preschool, or buying a diesal car and filtering old cooking oil is more than I am willing to pay at this point. That can give you an idea of HOW strongly I believe what I profess about the oil situation.
My final conclusion about this (at this point in my thought process) is that I think you don't ACTUALLY know how much you believe something until it costs you BIG-sometimes MORE than you are willing to pay, but you pay it anyway. Remember the account of the Christian girl at Columbine who had a gun pointed at her face and the Trenchcoat guy asked her if she still believed in God. Knowing it was going to cost her her life she professed what she actually believed-you could tell from her actions.
So, what do you believe? What if your friends don't? What if ALL your friends don't? What if you are sad inside about it? What if you have to move? What if you have to get a different job? What if you have to buy a smaller house? What if you have to eat Ramen for months at a time? What if you have to stand up alone? What do you believe? What are you willing to pay? What if you don't know what it costs until you get to the "checkout line".?
The other night Doug said to me, "You know what a fundatmental flaw to modern Christianity is?" (Doug tries to avoid these type of conversations, so I was interested.) "We are told that we choose to believe in Jesus Christ." He went on to say that you can't CHOOSE what you believe. Through various experiences, conversations, and soul searching you realize that you already or have come to believe this or that. You can profess to believe whatever you want, but whether or not you actually believe it is something else altogether.
I thought about this for the next day or so. I began to wonder how do you know what you actually believe? Like I said, you can profess anything-that is EASY. I started to realize that beliefs have costs (usually NOT monetary). Some costs are small and some a large. How much you actually believe something can dictate how much you are willing to pay for it. For instance, I believe that our country should not be so reliant on foreign oil. I DO believe that, but I drive a car everyday. Our kids go to a preschool that is 30 miles away and Doug works downtown. The cost of taking the bus, taking my kids out of a great preschool, or buying a diesal car and filtering old cooking oil is more than I am willing to pay at this point. That can give you an idea of HOW strongly I believe what I profess about the oil situation.
My final conclusion about this (at this point in my thought process) is that I think you don't ACTUALLY know how much you believe something until it costs you BIG-sometimes MORE than you are willing to pay, but you pay it anyway. Remember the account of the Christian girl at Columbine who had a gun pointed at her face and the Trenchcoat guy asked her if she still believed in God. Knowing it was going to cost her her life she professed what she actually believed-you could tell from her actions.
So, what do you believe? What if your friends don't? What if ALL your friends don't? What if you are sad inside about it? What if you have to move? What if you have to get a different job? What if you have to buy a smaller house? What if you have to eat Ramen for months at a time? What if you have to stand up alone? What do you believe? What are you willing to pay? What if you don't know what it costs until you get to the "checkout line".?
At 10:35 PM,
Brad said…
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At 10:42 PM,
Brad said…
Sorry for bragging, but I was willing to give up two years of my life, all of my friends, and a long list of things that most people enjoy, and find rediculous that I would give up (Matt 5:10), all for something that most people, some of whom are close to me, think will be a bad check when I go to cash it at the "checkout line". I can only hope that it's at least a better check than they think it is.
By the way, Nietsche said that wether we believe or do not believe is not based on facts, or logic, but choice. I'm not arguing with Doug, It think he makes a great point. I just think that Nietsche has an interesting point too.
At 11:32 PM,
Gregg Stokes said…
I'm not sure if what I believe is always true. I think the difference believing and knowing is the real question. I believe things will get better, I know I love my children. I know Jesus is who He said He is. I believe I look better now than I did 10 years ago. I know I don't. I know that giving up anything for two years ain't nothing to brag about and it just shows a works mentality. I know I don't know nothin'. I know I don't have to 'hope' for nothing, cause I know.
At 1:04 AM,
Brad said…
Sorry Cheryl,
Gregg I have to say that I believe that it's innapropriate to make a comment like that about my post, especially since this is Cheryl's blog, and I'm sure the last thing she wants is a religiuos debate. She mentioned that she wondered what people would give for their beliefs, so I mentioned what I've given. It wasn't an invitation for a debate, but since you want one, I'll refer you back to Matt 5:10 like I did in my post as you've just provided a prime example. I'll also refer you to Matt 28:19-20, and James 1. Jesus himself gave up more than two years of his life to preach his gospel would you accuse him of having a works mentality? I'm sorry that the dogamtist propoganda you've bought into has you thinking the way you do about works, but I know that works won't save me, only faith will, but let me ask you this, If you were accused of being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?
At 7:12 AM,
Gregg Stokes said…
Brad, I’m sorry if I offended you. Cheryl’s blog always get me thinking.
At 11:45 AM,
Brad said…
Apology accepted.
At 8:53 PM,
Tera said…
Perhaps you may want to blog about it Brad. I'm not following you on this. What's with the bad check thing? And as for evidence about being a Christian? Please don't tell me that you never have questioned what you believe 'cause I don't believe that for a second – or do I?
Did I miss something here?
At 2:33 AM,
Brad said…
Andrew, I'm Mormon, so pretty much every mainstream Christian believes that I'm not a Christian. If this were true, than according to most Christian beliefs I'll be denied entry into Heaven right? That's what I meant by the bad check thing.
I did write a really long blog on the subject once, but I never published the entry. Maybe sometime I will.
As far as questioning my beliefs goes, yes, I question my beliefs quite often.
At 6:33 AM,
Tera said…
Ok, I know now where you are coming from. Now let's see if I can save you in a simple three step process.
That was a joke. First, who says you are saved or not? Not I and I doubt any mortal being here has the authority to proclaim salvation. It is pretty clear that if you believe Jesus is the one true God than you will enter into His paradise. Yes we have different views on things and yes I am more right than you so there. Um....joke.
I have had many a Mormon attempt to convince me to join their side and honestly I don't dig religion – all religion - man's attempt to control man. That is why I only follow my King and worship Him alone. I do however have a lot of respect for Mormons and what they have done to further society. They are still wrong but respected.
Hey, by the way, I can't view your blog site.
At 11:14 AM,
Brad said…
Hey, who is this Andrew guy? I think I like him.
I changed the settings, so you should be able to open my blog now, but if not, there's a link to it on Cheryl's blog.
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