Blog Nazi
I am a self proclaimed blog Nazi. I usually check blogs EVERY day right after I check my email. It's sort of a hobby-a relational hobby, a check up with friends each at our own convenience. I know, I know-it's not real relationship-agreed, but it is my hobby. Because I am so passionate about this hobby, I start to annoy people when they haven't blogged for, what I consider to be a "really long time". I consider a week "a long time". I usually won't bug you if it's been a week. However, after two weeks you might start getting harrassed. Some people can escape my system if they are notorious for going LONG stretches without posting-KP, you know who you are. Besides I don't really like being a nag. And if 12 years of marriage has taught me anything it's that nagging is usually an ineffective tool.
That said, I had two motivations for posting tonight. The first one was that it has been exactly one week since my last post-lead by example. And , second, I was reminded tonight that my good friend Adam has a blog. As a blog Nazi, one of my responsibilities is to remind people that this is a SERIOUS hobby. Don't start a blog and then not use it. Get your opinion out there. August 18 is not good enough my friend. You have now been "blog tagged". Please post a blog soon (36-48 hours) and then "tag" someone else who hasn't posted for "a really long time".
That's right, this whole thing was just Blog Nazi recruitment-a commercial. I had to do something, they have disrupted blog spam effectively. Happy blogging!
I am a self proclaimed blog Nazi. I usually check blogs EVERY day right after I check my email. It's sort of a hobby-a relational hobby, a check up with friends each at our own convenience. I know, I know-it's not real relationship-agreed, but it is my hobby. Because I am so passionate about this hobby, I start to annoy people when they haven't blogged for, what I consider to be a "really long time". I consider a week "a long time". I usually won't bug you if it's been a week. However, after two weeks you might start getting harrassed. Some people can escape my system if they are notorious for going LONG stretches without posting-KP, you know who you are. Besides I don't really like being a nag. And if 12 years of marriage has taught me anything it's that nagging is usually an ineffective tool.
That said, I had two motivations for posting tonight. The first one was that it has been exactly one week since my last post-lead by example. And , second, I was reminded tonight that my good friend Adam has a blog. As a blog Nazi, one of my responsibilities is to remind people that this is a SERIOUS hobby. Don't start a blog and then not use it. Get your opinion out there. August 18 is not good enough my friend. You have now been "blog tagged". Please post a blog soon (36-48 hours) and then "tag" someone else who hasn't posted for "a really long time".
That's right, this whole thing was just Blog Nazi recruitment-a commercial. I had to do something, they have disrupted blog spam effectively. Happy blogging!
At 2:38 PM,
The Hubbard Family said…
interesting thoughts. i see the down-side of blogs within our community BUT -- i also find myself checking them regularly (not quite everyday, but certainly every week) as a way of actually caring about the people in our community. and it works, to an extent. it's not the ideal way to stay connected, but it's better than not connecting at all!
At 3:29 PM,
Tera said…
Four times a day taken with food to avoid an upset stomach. May impair sleep, do not operate heavy machinery while reading.
At 3:38 PM,
Cheryl said…
Okay John. Now I tag you. Adam dissed me anyway!
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