Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Saturday, February 26, 2005


Gardening would be a whole lot more fun without all the f---ing rocks!

Got up early and went to Star Nursery. I want to get this garden thing going. Rocks, how I hate thee.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Advice I Should Take....

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind you own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, (12) so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

"a quiet life"...... hmmm, sounds great
"mind your own business" ouch!
"work with your hands" Do making cookies from scratch and folding laundry count?

Do you watch Desperate Housewives?
Lynette is the TV version of me and I'm the real life version of her. Except she has 4 kids and I only have 3-smart of me I think. She has the guts to throw eggs in her neighbors face and while I can imagine lots of stuff, I never go through with the Tough Cheryl. Lynette also seems to have a relatively large income and I don't. Despite these small differences, we are one in spirit: messy houses, overwhelmed by kids, love our friends, and are always trying to find the answers to our daily struggles. I wonder if Lynette drinks Dr. Pepper too?

Sunday, February 13, 2005

A poem with my same title.

Who Am I?

I'm really loud when I blow my nose.
I never wash between my toes.
I won't eat spinach, but I love spaghetti.
When the school bus comes, I'm never ready.

I sleep with a ragged teddy bear.
(My brand new one sleeps on my rocking chair.)
I trade my ham sandwich for P.B. and jelly,
and when I feel queasy, my mom rubs my belly.

I keep my money in my shoe.
I hate my sister (but I love her too).

Give up? Don't know? You quit? You through?

The answer is (surprise!)...
I'm you!

(C) 1998, Arden Davidson

read other poems at http://www.angelfire.com/md/byme/pocket/whoami.html

Monday, February 07, 2005

Third Time's the Charm

This is my third blog post in the last ten minutes. I can't seem to write anything positive. Everything is very self critical-that would be two posts in a row. So I'll shut up now.

Before I do. Here is something positive:

Jack is One Year Old. He is a big sweet Sugar and I love him. Happy Birthday Big Boy.