Weird Week
It was a weird week. I think that might be norm for a while. I slept a lot. I started back to work on Monday- yeah, three weeks with a sub and a two week track break- it's the first week of school with them. They don't practice any of the rules and procedures we had all set up. It sucks and it's tiring. Thus, when I got home EVERY SINGLE DAY I took a nap. That was all I could do. I didn't have the energy for anything more.
We went to the "crapbox" for dinner on Tuesday. I'm honestly not sure why they call it that. It seemed cool to me and Doug loved it because it reminded him of houses he played in as a child. The food was YUM and we talked about "church" some. Nothing really ground breaking, but Jim said something I've been thinking about over and over. I said," I wanted a more meaningful reason for people to be leaving than the entertainment factor. He said, "It is meaningful to them." Interesting.
House Church was good. It was different........ I think what might have been weird was that the adults outnumbered the kids. I don't know, that doesn't make sense because I think the adults always outnumber the kids (maybe only by one, but we still dominate). I don't really know. Tom talked about treasuring your time and cherishing your memories which was touching because of his condition. (I do have the best mother in law in the world. I'm quite sure she picked the topic.)
Today was Avery's shower and then we went to the Andrade's to break in their new pool. The shower was nice. It wasn't stuffy and boring or corny like most showers. There were plenty of people I knew to talk to and we talked and ate yummy food. I didn't swim. I heard it was cold water. Doug's grandmother did swim- she's 93, very fun to be around. We had a good dinner with them and watched old home movies that were grandmas. We came home and did some cleaning. I thought I was going to go to the store after I fed Jack again, but it's pretty late now. I'll just go tomorrow and take the three of them. I am SURE I will have plenty to blog about after that adventure- and a nap.