Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Monday, March 29, 2004


Why is it that there is always one mom who isn't paying ANY atttention to her kids in the Playland and her kids are the ones terrorizing everyone else?

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Childhood Treasures............. There are so many.

I found this via someone else's blog. We'll see how long I can keep up with assigned writing.

Dirt- the best treasure of all. There was a large hole near our house when I was preschool age. We wold go there with an ordinary kitchen spoon and dig- hours of fun.

Ironing Board- Makes a great desk to play "office".

Two Chairs and a Blanket- That's right.........tent.

Beach Towels- Boats of course. My sister and I would wake up early, make a string of boats and load them FULL of stuff for our "trip". My mom never let us play this when she was awake and as a mom I understand. "Boats" is exactly the kind of make a giant mess play that Emma enjoys so much.

Outside was the biggest treasure of my childhood. Outside like my kids will never know. We were gone for HOURS at a time. I was probably Loredana's age when I was digging in that hole somewhere within walking distance of my house. my mom may or may not have known where I was. I went to my friends houses when I was older and we didn't have a phone so I could call my mom and tell her were I was. There were at least 3 playgrounds I could walk to when I was in elementary school and I don't remember checking in and telling my mom when my friends and I left one to go to another. We lived on a dead end street so we would ride our bikes and roller skate in the street. The rare cars would be extremely cautious of the kids. My kids will never have that kind of play freedom. The world is not the same. I can't imagine an age when Emma will be allowed to be gone from my sight without my knowing exactly where she is and who she is with. She might be safer, but there was serious joy in having a whole Saturday to yourself until the streetlights came on.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Weird Week

It was a weird week. I think that might be norm for a while. I slept a lot. I started back to work on Monday- yeah, three weeks with a sub and a two week track break- it's the first week of school with them. They don't practice any of the rules and procedures we had all set up. It sucks and it's tiring. Thus, when I got home EVERY SINGLE DAY I took a nap. That was all I could do. I didn't have the energy for anything more.
We went to the "crapbox" for dinner on Tuesday. I'm honestly not sure why they call it that. It seemed cool to me and Doug loved it because it reminded him of houses he played in as a child. The food was YUM and we talked about "church" some. Nothing really ground breaking, but Jim said something I've been thinking about over and over. I said," I wanted a more meaningful reason for people to be leaving than the entertainment factor. He said, "It is meaningful to them." Interesting.
House Church was good. It was different........ I think what might have been weird was that the adults outnumbered the kids. I don't know, that doesn't make sense because I think the adults always outnumber the kids (maybe only by one, but we still dominate). I don't really know. Tom talked about treasuring your time and cherishing your memories which was touching because of his condition. (I do have the best mother in law in the world. I'm quite sure she picked the topic.)
Today was Avery's shower and then we went to the Andrade's to break in their new pool. The shower was nice. It wasn't stuffy and boring or corny like most showers. There were plenty of people I knew to talk to and we talked and ate yummy food. I didn't swim. I heard it was cold water. Doug's grandmother did swim- she's 93, very fun to be around. We had a good dinner with them and watched old home movies that were grandmas. We came home and did some cleaning. I thought I was going to go to the store after I fed Jack again, but it's pretty late now. I'll just go tomorrow and take the three of them. I am SURE I will have plenty to blog about after that adventure- and a nap.

Gene Blogged!!!!!!! See, you should NEVER take people OFF your lists. Welcome back Gene.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004


Still processing. I've had a couple good conversations and a few emails, but I don't have any answers. Someone said that people leave Apex because they want a "show", which was why I had the word "performance" listed. However, I didn't really believe people would care THAT much. I had a conversation this week with someone who that WAS a major issue. I don't have the answer- Greg seems to have a handle on it- see his blog.