Big Strong Kindergartener, Big Wimpy Mom
Emma went to Kindergarten this morning. She did terrific. No crying. No hanging on our legs. Nothing. Just a confident girl who was excited about her new adventure. I saw a glimpse of it last Friday when we went to "Meet the Teacher". We were walking to the kindergarten area and she was walking at a quick pace a couple of feet in front of me. She was walking like she was at Disneyland on a hunt for something exciting to do. When we actually met the teacher, she was shy and barely talked. Today was the same. She was shy giving Mrs. Piccininni the apple we brought and stuff, but otherwise, she acted like she knew exactly what to expect. She played hopscotch, frontwards and backwards; she made up a game on this circle with colors and shapes in it. She owned the place. It made me proud and sad. Look how big she is. Look how sure of herself she is. When it was time to line up, she stood in line with her backpack all by herself. Other kids were crying and looking around for their moms and dads. She just stood and looked around at the other kids waiting to go inside. She was the third kid in line and walked into the room, put her backpack at the blue table and sat on the carpet as instructed. She didn't hesitate. I watched her as the teacher read us all a book. She was calm. She didn't look nervous. She wasn't scared or sad- which was what I was expecting. As I watched her, I started getting tears in my eyes. She was exactly the way I would have wanted her to be. It is scary and exciting to see kids being the best version of themselves. The version of their inner person. She is actually confident, self assured, and excited to grow. Watching her be stronger than I was made me cry. Of course, I didn't want her to know I was crying, so I kept holding it in and trying not to let it show. Inside, I falling apart and bawling. But not Emma. She is stronger than I am- which is a good thing and I hope she holds on to it. So, I'll quit repeating myself and let you go-as easily as Emma let us walk out without her this morning.
Emma went to Kindergarten this morning. She did terrific. No crying. No hanging on our legs. Nothing. Just a confident girl who was excited about her new adventure. I saw a glimpse of it last Friday when we went to "Meet the Teacher". We were walking to the kindergarten area and she was walking at a quick pace a couple of feet in front of me. She was walking like she was at Disneyland on a hunt for something exciting to do. When we actually met the teacher, she was shy and barely talked. Today was the same. She was shy giving Mrs. Piccininni the apple we brought and stuff, but otherwise, she acted like she knew exactly what to expect. She played hopscotch, frontwards and backwards; she made up a game on this circle with colors and shapes in it. She owned the place. It made me proud and sad. Look how big she is. Look how sure of herself she is. When it was time to line up, she stood in line with her backpack all by herself. Other kids were crying and looking around for their moms and dads. She just stood and looked around at the other kids waiting to go inside. She was the third kid in line and walked into the room, put her backpack at the blue table and sat on the carpet as instructed. She didn't hesitate. I watched her as the teacher read us all a book. She was calm. She didn't look nervous. She wasn't scared or sad- which was what I was expecting. As I watched her, I started getting tears in my eyes. She was exactly the way I would have wanted her to be. It is scary and exciting to see kids being the best version of themselves. The version of their inner person. She is actually confident, self assured, and excited to grow. Watching her be stronger than I was made me cry. Of course, I didn't want her to know I was crying, so I kept holding it in and trying not to let it show. Inside, I falling apart and bawling. But not Emma. She is stronger than I am- which is a good thing and I hope she holds on to it. So, I'll quit repeating myself and let you go-as easily as Emma let us walk out without her this morning.
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