I Can't Sleep
It's whatever time and I can't sleep. I can hear kids crying from my family room and they aren't mine. Somebody else in my house would love to be awake by choice instead of consoling their upset, possibly sick, child. I simply can't sleep because I can't stop thinking. I need to get some of this out of my head so maybe I can sleep.
I'm not even sure why this is keeping me awake. It's not new. I've always gotten over it before. Right now, I just can't let it go. I can't get over it and I am so mad about it that I want to scream at somebody-them. Why don't they just get it?
What is "it"? Christian Consumers. What the hell do they want? Why do they want what they want? Am I the one who doesn't get it? All they do is complain because "somebody" should start something or do something. The somebody is definately NOT them. They shouldn't DO anything, but complain and state what they think somebody else should do to help them "grow". It is so ironic. The things that have helped me "grow" the most are the things that I have done (usually to serve others or at least God), but they have NOT been when I am sitting in a row half listening, half thinking about where I'm going to eat or what I need to finish at home before tomorrow.
It's kind of like Wal*mart versus Target. We have a Target Greatland by our house. Nobody is ever there. It's clean. It's pretty. Their merchandise is reliably good. You can hear your children talk to you (and your husband announcing hemroid cream). The lines are short. Your cart fits in every row. We also have a SuperWalmart (complete with McDondalds) near our house. You can never fit through the isles, somebody is always in your way, the store is dirty, there is crap blocking all the isles (I think I'm spelling isles wrong- it starts with an "a" right?-it's late, give me a break). Why do people go there? Why? Because it's a couple of cents cheaper. Because it's "One Stop Shopping". Because you can leave there feeling like they did you a favor. Did they do you a favor? Did they? The produce rots rather quickly, I've found. I am usually frazzled when I walk out the door. But my kids get a sticker when they leave. They can eat french fries while we shop. AAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Kids is my problem. They are my ministry. They are ministry. They are church. They get it (most of the time). They can see right through fake almost 100% of the time, which is why they scare adults, because adults know that you can't fake kids out- they see right through you. Anyway, back to my sort of point. Kids is my problem. People don't want to deal with these real kids. The TRUE future of the church. The TRUE future of Christianity. They want to drop their kids off (and they want everybody else to do the same), have somebody else watch them, teach them, show them how to be better Christians than the parents feel they were taught to be. Then they want to pick their kids up and have their kids be all excited about some pre-fab craft project that the "Sunday School Teacher" made herself. (A little opinionated I know, but it's my blog.) AAAGGGHHH! Why aren't we as the church, requiring people to raise their kids to be church. Why aren't we as the church demanding that people take responsibility for their ideals? Everytime we hear someone say," Somebody should......" at church, we should expect that the speaker is the person to do it. If "somebody" should according to you- then why the hell don't you do it? You are the person that thinks it's so important. If it's not important enough for you to do, then keep your big mouth SHUT and don't go around telling other members of the church what "somebody" should do either- because somebody is you. If your church sucks, if nobody is reading, or worshipping, or praying.... why aren't you? If you want "something more for you kids" (that's the phrase that sparked this whole blog) then, get off your butt and do something more for your kids. You have them seven day a week (at least a couple of days, if you share custody). You have so many opportunities to teach them, and share Jesus with them. Why do want to drop them off for an hour and a half to somebody else and expect that this perfect stranger, that is willing to sacrifice 12 weeks of "getting served in the big service" to supplement the Spirtual training that you are giving them at home, should take care of all your child's spiritual needs. (You did get that a church service is only a supplement to the daily involvement your child should be getting with the Living God with you- the parent, right?) If we expect that we can "One Stop Shop" on Sunday morning or evening, we shouldn't be surprised when our kids have sticker and we have a headache. You get what you pay for. When you serve, there's a greater price. However, the end result, the overall trip is more pleasant and has a higher return.
Be careful saying "Somebody should..." around me. In my mind, I'll be pointing my finger at you. When you say, "Oh, no, not me... somebody else, somebody qualified...." I'll be thinking, " Wal mart shopper. Stop complaining. If you aren't willing to do anything for yourself and your family, then what do you expect? You're never going to "grow" any bigger and your kids are learning to be Wal mart Shopper Christians too, who don't read but like to say "somebody". You can change churches all you want, but you will always find problems. There will always be something that "somebody" should do-it's you." It really is you.
What am I going to do? I'm worn out from being other people's "somebody" only to hear them complaining. What are we-the church-going to do? I'm not sure, but "somebody" should do something.
It's whatever time and I can't sleep. I can hear kids crying from my family room and they aren't mine. Somebody else in my house would love to be awake by choice instead of consoling their upset, possibly sick, child. I simply can't sleep because I can't stop thinking. I need to get some of this out of my head so maybe I can sleep.
I'm not even sure why this is keeping me awake. It's not new. I've always gotten over it before. Right now, I just can't let it go. I can't get over it and I am so mad about it that I want to scream at somebody-them. Why don't they just get it?
What is "it"? Christian Consumers. What the hell do they want? Why do they want what they want? Am I the one who doesn't get it? All they do is complain because "somebody" should start something or do something. The somebody is definately NOT them. They shouldn't DO anything, but complain and state what they think somebody else should do to help them "grow". It is so ironic. The things that have helped me "grow" the most are the things that I have done (usually to serve others or at least God), but they have NOT been when I am sitting in a row half listening, half thinking about where I'm going to eat or what I need to finish at home before tomorrow.
It's kind of like Wal*mart versus Target. We have a Target Greatland by our house. Nobody is ever there. It's clean. It's pretty. Their merchandise is reliably good. You can hear your children talk to you (and your husband announcing hemroid cream). The lines are short. Your cart fits in every row. We also have a SuperWalmart (complete with McDondalds) near our house. You can never fit through the isles, somebody is always in your way, the store is dirty, there is crap blocking all the isles (I think I'm spelling isles wrong- it starts with an "a" right?-it's late, give me a break). Why do people go there? Why? Because it's a couple of cents cheaper. Because it's "One Stop Shopping". Because you can leave there feeling like they did you a favor. Did they do you a favor? Did they? The produce rots rather quickly, I've found. I am usually frazzled when I walk out the door. But my kids get a sticker when they leave. They can eat french fries while we shop. AAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Kids is my problem. They are my ministry. They are ministry. They are church. They get it (most of the time). They can see right through fake almost 100% of the time, which is why they scare adults, because adults know that you can't fake kids out- they see right through you. Anyway, back to my sort of point. Kids is my problem. People don't want to deal with these real kids. The TRUE future of the church. The TRUE future of Christianity. They want to drop their kids off (and they want everybody else to do the same), have somebody else watch them, teach them, show them how to be better Christians than the parents feel they were taught to be. Then they want to pick their kids up and have their kids be all excited about some pre-fab craft project that the "Sunday School Teacher" made herself. (A little opinionated I know, but it's my blog.) AAAGGGHHH! Why aren't we as the church, requiring people to raise their kids to be church. Why aren't we as the church demanding that people take responsibility for their ideals? Everytime we hear someone say," Somebody should......" at church, we should expect that the speaker is the person to do it. If "somebody" should according to you- then why the hell don't you do it? You are the person that thinks it's so important. If it's not important enough for you to do, then keep your big mouth SHUT and don't go around telling other members of the church what "somebody" should do either- because somebody is you. If your church sucks, if nobody is reading, or worshipping, or praying.... why aren't you? If you want "something more for you kids" (that's the phrase that sparked this whole blog) then, get off your butt and do something more for your kids. You have them seven day a week (at least a couple of days, if you share custody). You have so many opportunities to teach them, and share Jesus with them. Why do want to drop them off for an hour and a half to somebody else and expect that this perfect stranger, that is willing to sacrifice 12 weeks of "getting served in the big service" to supplement the Spirtual training that you are giving them at home, should take care of all your child's spiritual needs. (You did get that a church service is only a supplement to the daily involvement your child should be getting with the Living God with you- the parent, right?) If we expect that we can "One Stop Shop" on Sunday morning or evening, we shouldn't be surprised when our kids have sticker and we have a headache. You get what you pay for. When you serve, there's a greater price. However, the end result, the overall trip is more pleasant and has a higher return.
Be careful saying "Somebody should..." around me. In my mind, I'll be pointing my finger at you. When you say, "Oh, no, not me... somebody else, somebody qualified...." I'll be thinking, " Wal mart shopper. Stop complaining. If you aren't willing to do anything for yourself and your family, then what do you expect? You're never going to "grow" any bigger and your kids are learning to be Wal mart Shopper Christians too, who don't read but like to say "somebody". You can change churches all you want, but you will always find problems. There will always be something that "somebody" should do-it's you." It really is you.
What am I going to do? I'm worn out from being other people's "somebody" only to hear them complaining. What are we-the church-going to do? I'm not sure, but "somebody" should do something.
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