Hi. I started a blog. I have really wanted to since I found out about it. But I was feeling lame and late. "Everyone's doing it." kind of thing. I was reading blogs today and I just kept crying (typical for me). Things that people just don't say in conversations. Real authentic thoughts. I only like movies when I feel emotionally connected to the characters. I like to care enough about the characters to cry and laugh with them, not at them. Anyway, these blogs were all characters of real people I already know, saying things they would never say about their childhoods, their trials, their personal hygiene, saying sorry & going to movies alone. It's all so real. I cared enough to cry.
I got off line. Sat by the window and cried some more. It would be cool if I could make someone cry because they cared enough about what was happening to me. I'm not really that kind of person, but I can start a blog and pretend that people are crying.
Anyway, now Debbie is the only silent voice left in the house.
I got off line. Sat by the window and cried some more. It would be cool if I could make someone cry because they cared enough about what was happening to me. I'm not really that kind of person, but I can start a blog and pretend that people are crying.
Anyway, now Debbie is the only silent voice left in the house.
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