Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Friday, July 11, 2003

Nobody's Blogging

I'm totally addicted to reading blogs now and I've been checking a couple of times a day (somedays- this is my first time today). The problem is that nobody has written anything new. I've read blogs that are links from other people's blogs. People I don't even know. Even they (the people I don't know) haven't blogged anything new. I decided that I would blog something new- maybe start a chain reaction or something- ha! only the Parkers even know I started a blog. Maybe they'll write something.
So my baby is now the size of a peach. That seems pretty big to me. I still have a long way to go and I could see this baby without a microscope. It's good that we have a while because we don't have a girl name picked out. We want to name her after Doug's mom, Celia. If you don't know her- you should. She is amazing! I really hit the mother in law jackpot with her. She is daily an example of Christ- never thinking of herself, always offering to do projects for you, she would give you anything! Her husband has just been diagnosed with mid stage alzheimer's. He's only like 58, which is very early in life. They don't know how long he has or anything. With that terrible burden, Celia has offered to refinish my dining room table, make curtains for our new house, babysit on short notice and single handedly organize a Neighborhood Fair for our House Church. AMAZING WOMAN! Anyway, her middle name is Adele. Doug likes that for a first name, but I don't beacause of the movie _Kalifornia_ with Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis (who I absolutely can't stand)- her character's name is Adele. So Doug and I have been trying to find a name and haven't had any luck. Any suggestions? We do have a boy name which is Jack Douglas Citizen. Both of Doug's grandfathers were named Jack. I like it. Besides the main pirate in Pirate's of the Carribean with Johnny Depp is named Jack- which just made me re-realize what a cool guy name it is.
So, unnamed baby girl or Jack is the size of a peach. S/he hasn't been making sick, which is nice. S/he has been making me incredibly tired and I go to bed at 9pm every other night. Tonight is a late night obviously.
Well, Doug is home now. Please blog so I have something to read.


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