Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


The movies I like have, what I consider to be, good characters with a good story. I like to care about the characters enough to cry and laugh. I have this thing with "action" movies that I just can't get away from because today's action movies are just getting more and more "action packed".
" Nonstop action" is supposed to be a good thing. For me-it's bad. For me, it pretty much kills the movie. What happens when an action sequence starts? Something bad happens and, if you are involved with the movie enough, then you get a little adrenaline rush. It's little, but still, it's adrenaline. So I get an adrenaline rush just as much as the next guy and I enjoy that-I 'm involved enough with the story to have a physical reaction similar to crying or laughing. But here's the destroying part: TWENTY minutes later my rush has worn off. I'm not afraid or thrilled anymore. I start to get irritated. It reminds me of tickling. At first you laugh and are having fun, but after a while you just want it to stop. That's me with action sequences. Enough is enough. If someone has escaped from a building, been chased by cars, trains, police, helicopters, gunfire AND fallen off a thirty story building without being killed, they probably don't really need to be chased by motorcycle while riding on the freeway on the back of a semi too.
Last night we saw a Sneak Preview for a movie called _The Island_. The story concept was really, really good. It dealt with the hard issue of human cloning. The characters were interesting, well written and well acted. There were also multiple action sequences, one of which I swear to you felt like it was 45 minutes long. I'm pretty sure it wasn't quite the long, but I would bet money that it was over 20 minutes. If you have no kids and like to go to movies, check it out. Especially if you really appreciate "action" movies. If you only see one movie every six weeks-IF you're lucky- wait for video when you can fast forward the explosions and ridiculous death defying feats that these characters must endure to get to the end of the actual story.
I give _The Island_ *** (that's 3 stars-out of 5).


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