Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

What Color is Your Thumb?

Since before we moved into the Big House I have been planning to have a garden. I want to grow vegetables, fruit, herbs and some flowers. The first summer I had a corn stalk growing out of a planter in the front yard. Joe and Debbie made plenty of fun of me for that. Anyway, we are FINALLY getting the rest of the back yard put in. Including a very expensive (but beautiful) retaining wall so I can have my garden. We also going to have some fruit trees (apricot, peach, plum, pomegranate, pepper) and GRASS!! We have been wishing for grass all summer because the kids have been playing in the rocky dirt. Hopefully the whole thing will be done before next weekend. I am very excited. It will be nice to look out and see organic living things between our cinderblock walls.
My Great Grandfather on my dad's side grew fruit trees and orchids (including the one I carried for my wedding). My Grandfather (and a couple of generations before him) on my mother's side was a potato farmer. I hope I can summon the gardening gene and actually grow some food for our household. Hopefully my thumb is at least teal in color.


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