Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Standing On A Street Corner

Have the child labor laws changed or what is going on? First there were children standing on the corners on Sunday mornings sellings newspapers. Okay, whatever. Newspaper "delivery" has always been a kid job. Standing on the corner where you might accidentally get hit by a stray car or kidnapped by a freak isn't quite the same as a paper route on your bike in your own neighborhood, even though either of those bad scenarios could happen on a traditional paper route also-NOT my point.
BUT NOW..... last weekend I saw a young boy (maybe 11 or 12) standing on the corner of Durango and El Capitan (busy intersection) twirling a real estate sign. He was there today too and I saw kids "working" at another corner. It's hot today-supposed to break 100 degrees. HOT. Those kids should be riding skateboards or swimming or reading comic books or playing video games. Standing on a street corner dancing around in hot, hot weather-I dont' think that's right. I dont' want Emma standing on a street corner selling anything, especially in the summer. Call me crazy.


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