Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Part 4 (Last one I WANT to promise)

I wanted to be clear that we have some of the most amazing people I have ever known involved with Apex. I don't want to mention specific people, but most of my closest, dearest friends are "Apexers". I'm not trying to Christian bash or Apex bash. When all is said and done I am glad to be on this unpleasant journey and if it weren't for the people that "call Apex home" it would be a completely miserable journey. I have had to explore some tough questions in the past few years and I needed to do that. I have learned a lot about Jesus, love and community because of my friends.

So I want to end with a short story that happened tonight. We were supposed to go to the "Once Upon a Mattress" play at Spring Mountain Ranch. Long story short we couldn't so we went to the Lone Mountain Park to eat and play. We had a great little talk about heaven. The kids talked to plenty of strangers. One of the strangers was a German guy with a puppy. The kids petted her for a while and then her owner walked away. As he was walking away Little Miss Sweet Victoria yelled out, "I love you sir". The world would feel so much more loved if we could all be more like Victoria. Community and mission and love and service is all the same to her. She just IS in the image of her heavenly Father. God Bless us all.


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