Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

100 cont...

41. I like the Pulp Fiction Soundtrack.
42. I'm not an animal person.
43. My favorite cartoon animal is a turtle.
44. I played with baby dolls not Barbie dolls as a child.
45. My sister and I played the Love Boat as kids. We taught all the kids (school on the Love Boat) and were married to Greg and Bobby (anyone, anyone?). My name was Kate and hers was Robison. We also put on dance shows in the living room for the Love Boat guests.
46. I like cruises!
47. Doug and I both only have one sister each and both their names are Kristi (spelled the same way).
48. I clogged for about 4 years. I was good.
49. I square danced for about 2-3 years.
50. I was most rebellious in the 7th grade.

51. I am a teacher.
52. If I wasn't a teacher, (and I needed to work) I'd like to be a florist.
53. If I were rich, my splurges would be a housekeeper and fresh flowers all the time.
54. I have a scar on my chest/neck from miniature golf-it's true. No stitches or anything.
55. I played Star Wars on the school playground. I was Princess Leah (lay-ah) and my friend was Princess Leah (lee-ah)- see the difference there?
56. My sister and I watched Grease and Footloose every summer, nearly every day from 5th-8th grade. How great is that?
57. I am a little afraid of heights and very claustrophobic.
58. I've never been to Hawaii.
59. I've never been to the Grand Canyon even though I have lived within several hundred miles of it for more than 20 years.
60. I have been to Disneyland, Disney World, Circus World, Six Flags Over Texas, Magic Mountain, Knott's Berry Farm, Marineland, Sea World, Universal Studios, and the MGM theme Park in Las Vegas (which is now closed).

To Be Continued.....


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