I like TV as much as the next person. And when Survivor and American Idol are both on, I watch a little too much TV. I like to have a show or two to watch each week
HOWEVER, I find it disturbing that it seems that EVERYWHERE I go there are TVs. I first noticed it a few years ago at the Galleria mall. They have this little play area in the food court. So the kids won't be "bored" they also have TVs on showing kid channels. Why do kids need TV if they are at the mall? Walmart also has TVs advertising things as you shop. First of all you can't even hear yourself think in Walmart so it seems like a waste of electricity running TVs. Second, they are up so high that you have to bend your neck to even see them. The only way I usually notice those TVs is when they are on static and I wonder where that annoying extra noise is coming from. Monday we took the kids bowling. Guess what-they have TV playing so when it's not your turn you have something to do. I think it's ridiculous and sad. I think we should be cheering each other on and talking to each other when it's not our turn. I think we, as a society,l need to realize that being in the same room with someone, sitting right next to someone doing something passive and completely un-interactive is not spending time together; is not nurturing a relationship with each other. Relationships are so undervalued in our society. It's an unfortunate and sad state.
I like TV as much as the next person. And when Survivor and American Idol are both on, I watch a little too much TV. I like to have a show or two to watch each week
HOWEVER, I find it disturbing that it seems that EVERYWHERE I go there are TVs. I first noticed it a few years ago at the Galleria mall. They have this little play area in the food court. So the kids won't be "bored" they also have TVs on showing kid channels. Why do kids need TV if they are at the mall? Walmart also has TVs advertising things as you shop. First of all you can't even hear yourself think in Walmart so it seems like a waste of electricity running TVs. Second, they are up so high that you have to bend your neck to even see them. The only way I usually notice those TVs is when they are on static and I wonder where that annoying extra noise is coming from. Monday we took the kids bowling. Guess what-they have TV playing so when it's not your turn you have something to do. I think it's ridiculous and sad. I think we should be cheering each other on and talking to each other when it's not our turn. I think we, as a society,l need to realize that being in the same room with someone, sitting right next to someone doing something passive and completely un-interactive is not spending time together; is not nurturing a relationship with each other. Relationships are so undervalued in our society. It's an unfortunate and sad state.
At 10:28 PM,
Tera said…
i'm so with you on this one--people think we are weird because we don't have a tv in our living room or kitchen area (were we entertain and talk), we have one enclosed room for all our "media" stuff. i love it and i'll never go back.
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