Who Am I?

Thoughts I'm willing to share.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Stuff I Stole

Here's some more kids' church stuff I stole from Vinyard Central:

Children's Ministry
Children’s ministry at Vineyard Central is a way of life. The children are included in our house church meetings and our AllGroup gatherings. We don't have a nursery or pre-school class in the back at our monthly gatherings…we bring the children into the auditorium with us where we learn from watching them worship and create. Here's what you might find with regard to children at Vineyard Central.
House Church Meetings
At a recent house church meeting, the 30 some-odd people gathered included about 10 children ranging in age from 1 to 13. The meeting started off with a pot luck dinner - adults and children gathered together around candlelit tables to share a meal and catch up on each other's lives. As the adults asked each other questions about their past week, they also asked the kids "So how's school been this week?" and it was normal to see an adult holding someone else's baby so the parent could get something to eat. The kids finished eating before the adults (who like to linger over the dinner) and they got down from the tables and wandered the room, or went upstairs to where the toys were to play. One child drew a picture while upstairs and brought it down to show some of the adults. Another child got tired of playing and crawled into an adult friend's lap. Kids ran in and out of the room feeling free to come and go. Toward the end of the evening everyone gathered together to sing some songs. A large box filled with musical instruments was brought out, and one 2 year old wandered around the room while everyone was singing, passing out egg shakers to the adults and then watching to see if they'd be played. Another 5 year old punched keys on a toy piano, while another child danced around the room. All of the adults stopped, laughing in mid-song, when one 3 year old put on a pair of sunglasses upside down while she sat in a chair shaking a toy fish and singing (see picture below). Kids were hugged and praised and included, while adults still had plenty of time to talk with each other and worship the Lord in song.

The Monthly AllGroup
Before the evening began, a few adults set up some small child-sized tables and put out some play-dough and paper and colors and paints. We also brought in some toys and puzzles and set up a long cloth tunnel that kids could crawl through. Then we lit altar candles and arranged adult-sized chairs. We began the evening together by having one of our parents gather folks and start leading some children's worship songs. Kids showed the adults how to do hand motions, and it was amazing to see all the adults join right in and worship with the kids. From there, our worship leader began leading "adult" worship songs - however the kids were still feeling joyful and many began to dance around the auditorium. Adult worshippers joined in - many were dancing with the lighthearted, carefree spirit of a child. As we sang, adults were kneeling, standing, raising hands, receiving prayer…while children were dancing, drawing, playing with toys. Somewhere in the middle of all this a child was baptized - worship continued during the grand event. We're now thinking about how to include the children in prayer ministry for the next event…the children have been a blessing to our monthly gathering.

What do you do for the teens in your house church network?
Our teens have their own house church. It’s got a few young adults in it but it’s teen-led. We hope a whole network of teen churches will spring up. They’re literally bursting at the seams with new kids every week. They have their own bank account, determine their own outreach activities, and lead their own worship and Bible study. Some of the teens (especially among the leaders) are part of other home churches that provide them a place to be mentored and refreshed. The teen leaders are supported and part of the decision making equally with other home church leaders, meaning they’re a part of our monthly leadership gatherings. You can check out the teens web page at http://www.vineyardcentral.com/02gather/hc_teens.html.


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